Wednesday, January 26, 2005

extensionless files in windows

Another geeky post I'm afraid. There's loads of extensionless files out there like LICENSE, Readme, Makefile etc that cannot be associated with an application directly from Windows' UI; alas, the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file checkbox is simply denying us the obvious. Log in as admin and run this little reg file to associate all such files with UltraEdit. You can use any application you want of course, that's just my favourite editor there.



@="no extension"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\UltraEdit\\uedit32.exe\" %1"


@="\"C:\\Program Files\\UltraEdit\\uedit32.exe\" /p \"%1\""


Anonymous said...

footnote: You can do the same by adding the extension '.' in the Ultraedit configuration dialogue.

│■ Menu
│ [Advanced] -► [Configuration...]
│■ Configuration Dialogue
│ [File Associations]
│■ Fill in the following :
File Type : '.'
Description : 'no extention'
│ [add]
│ [ok]

If it seems to be a bit tempermental; select one of the other entries in the drop-down box next to [add], change the filetype to a '.' and the description to 'no extension'
click [add] then [ok].

The result is identical ('UltraEdit.' instead of 'noext')

■ ■ ■

In the past I've also done the association in the registry. When I read your blog entry I worked the above method out.
Thanks for your help ;)

lol, just realised the same is also possible with the command line tools
'assoc' and 'ftype'

Thanks again.

sandman303 @[ ┐┌┬┐ail· co┌┬┐

zmeeagain said...

I'm impressed! I've never used, or been aware of for that matter, the assoc and ftype commands. Could make a whole article on the issue then!

zmeeagain said...

So, using assoc and ftype one could make all extensionless files be of text type, and at the same time change the default application for handling text files to Notepad++ say (or UltraEdit but Notepad++ is free!):

assoc .=txtfile
ftype txtfile="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %1 %*

where %1 is substituted for the file name being launched through the association and %* all the parameters being passed.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I want you to follow up to this topic..

-Warmest Regards