Friday, January 28, 2005

gmail and K700i bug

I was invited by a friend to try out the new beta version of Google's email service. Invitations get distributed randomly on a limited basis, as a means of throwing in a bit of exclusivity to it. Meaning, if you're not invited by someone, you can't get an account. So I got mine -, what else? - and started playing around with it. The good stuff:
  • 1G of space at 10MB per message
  • seamless contacts importing from Outlook
  • a reasonably 9 months allowance for dormant accounts before you get thrown out
  • atom 0.3 support
  • free POP access
  • keyboard shortcuts
So far so good. Unfortunately, I've had no luck accessing the account from my newly bought SonyEricsson K700i due to a hideous ssl bug. Basically, the last m in the outgoing ssl domain disappears during connection and the phone hungs up while "Receiving messages"! How dissapointing. For those of you that happen to have a Vodafone GR connection, here's the steps for setting up the data connection (pop settings can be found in gmail's help center).
Go to Connectivity, Data Comm., Data Accounts and select New Account. Pick the Gprs data type and enter a name for the connection. Use as APN, Username user and Password pass. Save and you're done.

If you manage to get it working for gmail, let me know, will ya?